This week, on Wednesday, is my present to the kiddos. We will have a Read-a-thon where we will spend the majority of the day enjoying books. This won't be a day of just free reading, but also guided reading, book clubs, Scholastic News, and others of the such. I will also bring them some hot chocolate to enjoy. They may bring their own mug with a lid, but I will also have some available. They are allowed to bring in a small throw pillow and a personal blanket.
On Thursday there will be a substitute in class, so I will have the opportunity to read one-on-one with each student to see their progress. They will be given the same type of assessment that they were given at the beginning of the year. This is not the only measure of growth we use, but it is one we find value in.
Next week we will have our holiday party on Thursday from 2:30 - 3:30. Earlier that day we will do a book exchange here in class. I ask that each student bring in a wrapped new or gently used book to participate in the game. This is usually a great way to build community and share our love of reading.
Thanks again for all your support! Happy December!