May can be a hectic time of year around here, especially for fifth graders. Besides the extracurricular activities that your family has and the ones put on by the school, I wanted to have you write a few more on your calendar.
Our End of Year Celebration will take place at Tallman Park on June 2. This is a super fun and casual way to celebrate the ending of elementary school. We welcome families to come and share in community at at picnic for the day. The kids will be playing games, hanging out, and having fun. The school will provide sandwiches for all fifth graders and we ask kindly that you bring something for yourself and family to enjoy. After the picnic we come back to school for final goodbye. During this time we ask that families meet us in the gym to honor these great kiddos. For this, I ask that you email me two pictures of your child: one from when they were a baby/toddler and a current picture.
On May 19th students will hear from our school nurse about Growing and Changing. As this date approaches I will send out more information and a link to the video that we show during this time. Keep in mind that in fifth grade our focus is on how their body will grow and change in the next few years.
Our annual trip to Stone Canyon Outdoor Education is scheduled for May 23. This is a great experience for these kiddos where they complete challenging tasks such as zip-lining and a ropes course. Please register for this trip here. As this date approaches, I will also send you more information. Please note that it is Outdoor Ed's policy that we do not bring parent chaperones on this field trip.