Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Here's a copy of the email I sent out on May 3:

Here is a copy of the email I sent out on May 3:

From: Ashley Dalcerri <Ashley.Dalcerri@dcsdk12.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 3, 2017 11:38 AM
Subject: Inforamtion
Sorry for the long email...

I've updated my blog with some important dates.  Please be sure to check and mark your calendars!  Below is information about our Growing and Changing Discussions and Outdoor Ed.  Also, I really really really need pictures of your cute kids!!  One recent and one toddler/baby.  Please get these to me as soon as you can.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Outdoor Ed Info:
Good morning, 

Our class will be going on our outdoor ed trip May 23rd.  Please use the information below to register, if you haven't done do already.  The deadline to register is May 19th.  
On the day of the trip, each student needs to bring a backpack with the following:
  • A bag lunch
  • Multiple bottles of water 
  • Two healthy snacks (fruit, granola, veggies, etc...)
  • Sunscreen 
Additionally, students need to wear clothes that are appropriate for the being outside.  Tennis shoes are required.  Please do not allow your student to wear sandals on this trip.  Students will NOT be allowed to bring cell phones.  Both teachers will have cell phones in case of an emergency.  There are also phones at the facility.  
Students will need to arrive at GRE at 8:00am the morning of the trip. Buses will be leaving at 8:15am. We will return to Gold Rush for regular dismissal at 3:30pm.
To register: 
In order for your child to participate in this field trip/program you must register (includes online permission form)  & pre-pay on-line by going to: RevTrak > Elementary Schools > Elementary Schools E thru L > Gold Rush > Field Trips. The RevTrak link can be found on GRE’s website under Parent Info or click hereRegistrations MUST be completed byFriday, May 19, at noon.

Growing and Changing:
Our fifth grade students will have the opportunity to learn about the changes that occur during puberty including male and female anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system. This health information is provided to students in alignment with Health Standards 2 and 3: standards are available on the District web site.

The students will watch a video appropriate to the topic and their age in gender-like groups. The video covers the anatomy of the reproductive system, the menstrual cycle, feminine hygiene, changes that may occur for boys including erections and nocturnal emissions.  It is presented in an up-to-date format with age-appropriate questions and answers from students.  

Video to be shown is:
Always Changing/Always Growing2008
 - The videos are located towards the bottom of the screen

**Parents are welcomed to preview the video at home in order to facilitate family follow-up discussion of these topics.  The video is online and is included in the above link.

After the students view the video, boys and girls will stay separated during a follow-up class presentation in order to promote more participation and decrease disruptions from giggles.  Boys and girls will be taught both the male and female material. The outline for the classroom presentation includes the following subjects:

Anatomy and function of reproductive organs:
For males: testicles, scrotum, urethra, epidiiymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate, penis
For females: ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and endometrium, cervix, vagina
Body changes that occur during puberty;
For males: facial hair, deepening voice, enlargement of reproductive organs (testis & penis), testicles produce sperm, shoulders broaden, 
For females: breasts develop, hips widen, uterus/vagina grow, ovulation, menstrual cycle
For BOTH males and females: growth spurt, active oil and sweat glands, underarm hair, pubic hair, hormones, hygiene issues.

This class will be presented by: Becky Fuller BSN, RN – DCSD School Nurse
Date of presentation by the nurse: May 19th, 2016

To keep the lines of communication strong between you and your child, we will encourage students to talk with their parents about these topics. Other resources for you to explore with your son or daughter:
www.kidshealth.org is another good website
 www.always.com information parents/girls and resources for educators
www.girlshealth.gov promotes healthy, positive behaviors in girls between 10    and 16. 

If for some reason you would prefer that your child not be involved, please indicate this to your teacher either in the form of a note or email by Monday, May 15th and we will discreetly plan another activity for your student.

Ashley Dalcerri 
5th Grade
Gold Rush Elementary

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What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do.
  - John Ruskin